Главная » 2009 » Июнь » 17 » Warcraft Heroes League
Warcraft Heroes League

Warcraft Heroes League has come together for yet another season. With the help of numerous experienced admins, we have dedicated ourselves to running a league that enables teams to perform at their finest under enjoyable and entertaining circumstances. WHL aims to set a platform of high level league play and an atmosphere of fierce gaming.

Warcraft Heroes League is an international league that is open for applications worldwide. This being said, I would like to officially open Team Applications for WHL Season V. Applications will be accepted until the 30th of June. After June 30th, no applications will be taken or considered. We will be accepting 24 teams to our Season V qualifications.

In the spirit of competition, we are always seeking prizes to reward any outstanding playing. With much happiness, I introduce to you our Season V Prizes:

1st Place: 350$USD, 4x Razer Copperhead Mouse, 4x SteelSeries 5H Headset
2nd Place: 4x SteelSeries QcK Mini Mousepad

We ask that all applications be sent to WHL.League@hotmail.com. You may send your application with any program you wish, but .txt or .doc is prefered. Please ensure that you adequately prepare your application and it is fit to be seen, or it will be overlooked.

Please ensure that you follow the criteria for applications below:

Application Format
Team Name:
Team Tag:
Team Country:
Team Website:
Team History:
Team Achievements
Team Management (Include ALL forms of contact):
Full Team Roster (Include Tagged accounts, Country & Race):
Player Accomplishments (Include 2 replays of your top 4 soloists):
Current Leagues:
Why your team should be accepted and what will you bring to WHL?
Anything else you would like to add:

You may reach the WHL site at the following link: www.WHLeague.com

Сайт лиги находится >>тут <<


Категория: Лиги | Просмотров: 383 | Добавил: iloveTanlOshka | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 EvilOrange  
Эм... я еще раз напоминаю, что я буду следить только за лигой айАкта. В последнее время наблюдал в новостях много других лиг. За ними кто следить будет? Обычно один орг на одну лигу.

Добавлять комментарии могут только зарегистрированные пользователи.
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Replays [35]
Здесь будем выкладывать различные репы.
Replays of CW [8]
Реплеи с CW проведенных с другими кланами
Лиги [14]
CW проведенные на различных лигах
vods [0]
реплеи с озвучкой=)
Друзья клана

Удобное время
Самое удобное время проведения iStCup#
1. c 18.00 do 22.00
2. c 14.00 do 18.00
3. в любое время свободен
4. c 16.00 do 20.00
5. вообще в несколько дней(этапов)
6. c 17.00 do 21.00
7. c 15.00 do 19.00
Всего ответов: 24
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Онлайн всего: 1
Гостей: 1
Пользователей: 0